Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Lab PI: Wen Zhang
The Environmental Engineering Laboratories support analysis of environmental samples that focus on the fate and processes involved in three main areas of research: organic pollutants, inorganic pollutants, and environmental microbiology. Affiliated projects support the idea that fundamental environmental research will serve as the basis for solving daunting challenges faced by future generations.
Facilities and Equipment:
The laboratory offers excellent facilities for detailed analysis of trace organic contaminants. There is sufficient bench space and desk/study area available to accommodate approximately 40 research staff members, students, and post-doctoral fellows within the Environmental Engineering Laboratory.
Thermo Scientific MaxQ Shakers 4450: Ideal for incubating a small number of vessel and is used for cell culture, solubility studies, extraction procedures, protein expression, and many other applications
Shimadzu TOC-L: Determines Total Organic content of liquid and solid samples. Determines Total Nitrogen content in liquid samples
Gas Chromatography: Separation of analytes that can be vaporized without decomposition
Thermo Scientific Evolution 201 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: Determines the concentration of compounds using their absorption of light in the ultraviolet-visible spectral region
Hitachi F-4500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer: Determines the concentration of compounds using emission spectra produced by a sample’s fluorescent properties.
HACH RATIO/XR Turbidimeter: Measure turbidity up to 1999 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), and as low as 0,001 NTU
Millipore Direct – Q UV DI water System: Water purification system producing water with a resistivity of >18Mohms
Fisher Scientific Vortex Mixer: Variable speed, analog control that allows low rpm start-up for gentle shaking or high-speed mixing for vigorous vortexing of samples
Fisher Scientific PCR Workstation: A sterile environment for preparing PCR and other samples is produced using high-intensity UV to reduce the chance of DNA contamination
CHAUS Balance
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5430 R
NAPCO Vacuum oven model 5831
Environmental Sample Analysis:
We routinely analyze for a variety of parameters in water and environment. Analysis in the laboratory includes:
Turbidity | Acidity | Alkalinity |
Chloride | BOD and COD | TOC |
Grease and Oil (hexane/ether soluble) | Chlorine | Hardness |
Solids and Specific conductance | Sulfate | Ammonia |
Heavy metals | pH | Nitrite |
Selected trace organics | Sulfide | Nitrite |
Phosphorus (ortho, poly, organic) | Gas analysis | Organic Acids |
TCLP | Toxicity | TKN |
Teaching Lab:
The Environmental Engineering Teaching Laboratory consists of one lab having a gross area with requisite bench space, instrumentation, two chemical hoods, and other specialized equipment for the lab courses offered in the undergraduate and MS programs. Students in the lab courses also have access to the research laboratory's instruments when advanced analytical techniques are required.